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Blessing Program

Q) What is The Art of Living Blessings course?

Fulfillment is a beautiful quality of the consciousness and gives one the ability to bless and be an instrument of healing. The Blessings Course offers an experience of abundance, contentment and fulfillment through unique meditation processes. These qualities are natural to all of us, and the course brings them to the fore of our experience. The Blessings Course is a profound course with the most amazing processes and meditations. Each meditation is unique and allows you to go deeper within. The love, kindness and compassion of our Master is beyond words, and this comes to our experience so totally. Come and experience the best gift you have ever received, and become a perfect instrument for the Master's Grace to flow through!

Q) Can I become an Art of Living Blesser too?

Yes! Anyone who has completed One Art of Living Part-1 / YES+ course AND Two Part-2 (The Art Of Silence) course is eligible to do the Blessings course.

Note: You may also visit the Satsang/Followup centres to receive blessings physically.

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Find Us: Art of Living Triveni Ashram,

                Alandi-nagar road, Markal,

                Tal- Khed, Dist-Pune 412 105

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